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Seeing double? The easy way to remove fat under the chin

By March 15, 2018May 18th, 2020Injectables
Seeing Double

You’ve tried to disguise it by wearing makeup, or a strategically placed scarf. You’ve tried tilting your head at a certain angle for photos. But it’s still there, stubborn fat lingering around the chin and neck. The good news is there’s a new treatment available that reduces fullness under the chin and it’s quick and easy, with minimal side effects…

What causes a double chin?

It can be due to being overweight and it can also occur as we age and we lose skin and muscle tone. For some people it’s a genetic issue and you may have had the problem for a long time. Whatever the case, a double chin is difficult, if not impossible to get rid of with diet and exercise alone.

What’s the new treatment?

Allergan has an individually-tailored injectable treatment that permanently dissolves fat cells under the chin to help contour the neck and create a more attractive jawline. The treatment is already very popular with both men and women. Women often ask for a youthful tapered look, while men like it because it helps create a strong, chiselled jawline.

How does it work?

Basically, the treatment works in the same way as the body uses chemicals that occur naturally in the stomach and intestines of the body to help absorb and break down ingested fats. The injections deliver a synthetic chemical into fat deposits in the double chin which are identical to the chemicals found in the body. When these come into contact with the fat cells, they break down the outer cell wall. The contents of the fat cells then leak out and are carried away by the liver. Once they are destroyed, the cells can no longer store or accumulate fat.

Is it safe?

Fat dissolving injections have been available in the US and Canada since 2015 but they’re relatively new to the Australian market (released in February 2017). The fat dissolvers themselves are extremely safe and Dr Face is one of the first clinics in Melbourne to offer the treatment.

Before treatment begins, we carry out a full facial assessment to determine how many treatment sessions you may need, based on the amount and distribution of the fat under the chin and your cosmetic goals. Because our doctors are trained Allergan specialists, we know exactly how to use the product to give you a safe and natural-looking result. We’re also experts in the field of injectables in general, with years of teaching experience and a reputation for achieving great results.

How long does it take and how many treatments are required?

The treatment can be done in around 20 minutes, with no downtime afterwards. Between two and three treatments are usually necessary, with around two to three months between each treatment. There will be a little swelling during the treatment and you may feel a stinging sensation at the site of the injection. There is also a fair amount of swelling after each treatment. This is a good thing, as it shows there is a chemical reaction happening which is killing off the fat cells in the treated area.

What’s the difference between fat dissolving injections and liposuction?

Fat dissolvers are administered by injection around the neck to permanently remove fat. Liposuction is a surgical procedure which requires a surgical team and a hospital admission. During liposuction, a high pressure vacuum removes fat by sucking it up using an instrument called a cannula. In comparison, fat dissolving injections can be administered at the clinic during your lunch break. There is a little swelling, but no other recovery time is needed.

If you’d like to explore fat dissolving injections further, why not book a consultation or call 03 7001 3500.

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