Looking ‘natural’ is an expression that’s often bandied around, but what does it really mean when it comes to your appearance? Is it embodied by Jennifer Aniston? Miranda Kerr? Kerrie Armstrong? Or is it looking as if you just stepped off the beach, with no make-up on and wind-swept hair?
At Dr. Face, we’re often asked for results that look ‘natural’. In fact, we’re proud to own it as a special skill. So what do we mean here at the clinic when we say our results are ‘natural-looking?’
For most women, looking better after facial rejuvenation is no longer just about looking younger than your age. It’s about something far more subtle, and – thanks to advances in product and technique – more achievable. It’s about looking good for your age. Refreshed. And above all, natural.
Today’s sophisticated array of anti-wrinkle injections and fillers allow the skilled practitioner to achieve excellent results for clients, without leaving a trace.
Soβ¦let’s look at the dictionary definition of ‘natural’. There are many definitions, but we found this one that is ironically, quite relevant.
‘Having undergone little or no processing and containing no chemical additives’.
We also particular like this definition of ‘natural-looking’ from dictionary.com:
‘Appearing to be in natural looking state. Looking like yourself, or true to your own nature.’
Here at Dr. Face, we believe that looking fabulous, but true to yourself, is a great way to describe what makes a successful facial rejuvenation treatment. A skilful treatment by an expert practitioner can help you look just as good as when you were younger, even though you may not look as young as you once were. In many ways this is a better outcome, because you look true to your own nature, which is fabulous!
And – this is a bit spiritual – when you are not trying to look young, you are being authentic and honouring your own wisdom and life experience. In the end, it’s all about preserving your unique brand of beauty – what makes you, you.
What’s your definition of ‘natural beauty?’
Let Dr.Face give you the natural look. Book a consultation today.